Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wind Turbines
Worse than Healthcare

In the last blog, I murdered the spelling of Pelosi with Peloci. I also called Hamilton’s article 33, article 13. Even my computer’s spelling editor caught the misspelling of the Senator from California’s name. One has to wonder how many such errors can be found within a bill that is approximately 2,000 pages long? And what sorts of new regulations on our individual rights can such a gargantuan document place?

People are understandably upset by such intrusions. But there are much more substantive and intrusive forces about. One of them is the new Green Doctrine. The economic, political, and philosophic ramifications of this hungry beast far outweigh the disastrous effects of Obamacare. It will, in fact, ruin our great nation, literally bringing it to its metaphorical knees.

While it is true that humans have an affect on the environment, and while there are many things we must do to protect it, the environmental activists and the political “elites” are only years away from destroying the greatest nation on earth. In their insanity, they have made a commitment to the world that we will phase ourselves out of coal and oil in favor of “clean energy.” The sound of that is glorious, self sacrificing, philanthropic almost, and certainly virtuous and socially moral. Isn’t it?

I often drive cross country and have for 50 years. The landscape is changing dramatically. It is almost other worldly, reminding me of some far out sci-fi movie. Wind turbines scar the land for miles. The port where I live has stacks of gigantic propellers, large columns to support them, and I often have to pass them on the road as their population continues to grow exponentially. By the year 2030, wind, solar, and biofuel projects will consume land equivalent to Minnesota to produce the energy we now get from oil, gas, and coal. The proposal to site wind turbines off shore to replace coal, oil, and gas would require 336,000, 3.25 MegaWatt behemoths off our coasts. From where will come the tons of concrete, steel, copper, and fiberglass to install the expensive, unreliable, subsidized monsters?

Gas fired power plants putting out 555 Megawatts consume just 15 acres in California while their 13,000 wind turbines impact 106,000 acres, destroy scenic vistas, providing expensive, tax-subsidized, intermittent, insufficient electricity. Billions of federal dollars are diverted to the renewable power industry every year, yet the industry still cannot come close to producing power anywhere near as economically as conventional fuel sources such as coal and gasoline.

The list goes on, particularly the efforts to reduce carbon emissions and the war on CO2. When alternative energy fails to provide continuous, economical, and reliable power, the nation will neglect the low cost energy resulting from coal, for example, until the lights go out and all industry migrates to Asia and our power bills will soar. It will then be too late to prevent great harm to our national economy, our jobs, and our lifestyle.

Credible scientific evidence has established that CO2 from mankind has little impact on temperature and none on public health. The net result of CO2 limitations will be a transfer of wealth and the ceding of more authority to the United Nations as a global government. This will bring control, tax, and bureaucratic meddling, telling us the kind of car to drive, our destination, and our food miles accrued in our choice of food.

Global warming has been shown to be a farce, the model shown to have used an incorrect model that did not correlate the new temperatures with the old. The studies now show that 1934 was the hottest year with 1998 and 1921 being second and third respectively. Eight of the 15 hottest years in the past century occurred before carbon dioxide began its recent rise.

Russia and China are, at the same time, increasing their production of coal. Thus, efforts to cut CO2 emissions are useless.

Thirty one thousand American Scientists signed a petition drafted by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine which stated: There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or the other green house gases is causing or will in the foreseeable future cause catastrophic heating of the Earth Atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.

Subsidies given to develop renewable energy sources such as wind power are a license to print money for their operators at the expense of the rest of us. Companies promote green products that may be little more than gimmicks, but can be very profitable.

The United States government budgets $6 billion a year for climate research, supporting a growing industry of scientists and university labs that specialize in the subject. It all adds up to a significant institutionalization of the impulse to treat carbon as a problem. This finances jobs, grants, conferences, international travel, and academic journals. It not only keeps a huge army of people in comfortable employment, but also fills them with self righteousness and moral superiority regardless of the fact that real science did not support it.

For example, commercials abound that picture the poor polar bear’s demise. Yet, polar bears are up from 8 to 10 thousand in 1960 to 20 to 25 thousand now. Still, the polar bear has been listed as a species threatened by global warming.

Most of what has been written thus far is not the work of the author of this blog, but that of Jay Lehr, Ph.D. and Science Director of the Heartland Institute. It was written for and presented to the Ohio Legislature. I assume it can be found on the web under his name, and I urge you to read it. My obligation was to put his words in quotes, but that became burdensome as I continued to quote and paraphrase his paper, the title of which is: SIGNIFCANT EVIDENCE THAT MANKIND HAS AN INSIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE CLIMATE OF PLANET EARTH.

His paper brings to light the kinds of money, bureaucracy, and hedemony being thrust upon us by our leaders in just one avenue of their efforts. Combine this with Obamacare, immigration reform, stimulus and bailouts, the takeover of large segments of our private and corporate industries, the new programs to help those whose mortgages are about to fail, the transportation incentives, tax increases, and a plethora of other ills on our nation spells disaster to anyone with a shred of common sense. But when did our liberal universities ever turn out graduates with such a thread?

And now, to top it off, the government is working on a plan to install RFID chip technology into the bodies of every American. This chip will carry all medical data and … Who will resist this intrusion? Who will accept it?

All this and more from the first President who refuses to sign the certificates of new Eagle Scouts or to serve as their honorary president since the BSA’s inception in 1916, an organization that has stood for the best of American virtue.

Denial has no survival value.

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