Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Red Square - Moscow

All Red Cards

I have a strange addiction. I hate playing cards, but for some inexplicable reason when engineering calculations, writing, and watching the nation being destroyed puts my mind in gridlock, I double click Solitaire on my desk top. It is an effort to turn myself off for 5 minutes. I do this repeatedly. Over the years I have learned that when the cards are first dealt, I can’t tell if I am going to win, but I can tell that I am going to lose. For example, when the computer deals all red cards, it will be a losing battle.

It strikes me that our government, the Federal Reserve, and the bureaucrats have dealt us all red cards. Red. Does that strike a note?

I will again revert to Hegel and Kant, that reality is simply the construct one makes of it. Facts do not represent reality, so why not make of it what you will. While I agree that what we see, touch, feel, and hear do not represent reality but only what the mind makes of it, one should be pragmatic enough to prevent complete chaos within society. There were times when our leaders made a valiant attempt to curtail such chaos. If Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are left to their devices, that will come to an end, rather it is coming to an end. In other words, they are trying to change the US to suit their own construct. Many believe in Utopia, think it is possible, and hope for it. Many people understand that is not possible and every attempt to establish it has failed, even among the Mormons in the small town of Orderville, Utah. People are not equal in any respect with the exception of being of similar protoplasm. Thus, equality is a forced attempt against the nature of humanity. Yet, the attempt continues.

The Texas Board of Education (or some such) has inserted in our children's textbooks that we are a Republic. People are screaming about that and want it changed to read Democracy. This, I believe, is a result of two things: 1. Many people think we are a Democracy and have not the foggiest notion of a Republic, what it is, or that we are supposed to be one. 2. Taking up the banner that we are a Democracy plays into the hands of the Socialists and the New Left Revolutionary's construct. At least until people realize that Democracy, Liberalism, and Socialism are not synonymous terms.

If they can rid themselves of the concept of a Republic, we will no longer be governed by the rule of law and the Constitution but by the tyranny of their new construct for the US. We will be governed by the whims of the "elite." They can do this in part by denying funding to the states and to those who disagree with their regime, ridding the Supreme Court of Conservatives, and influencing the court’s decision making. They are no longer Community Organizers; they are States and Individual Organizers. It is apparent to them that the Constitution is simply a barrier to their construct. They want us to believe it continues to oppress the poor; depress the middle class, and benefit the wealthy. These are not an egalitarian concept. Thus, usurp them and the Constitution. But I have this notion that this is all a front. I don't believe that either Reid or Pelosi understands that. I think they are simply too stupid to really know what the end run of their efforts will be.

I think there is another construct brewing that we have not yet understood or come to grips with. There are several factors at work. Far from Democracy or the Rule of Law, it is becoming the Rule of the Minority. The religious are being replaced by the secularist, an inorganic state of flux and chaos. The Anglo majority is being replaced by the collective minority of Blacks, Middle Easterners, and Hispanics. Social norms are being replaced by the Left, Gays, Pro-Abortionists, Gun Control advocates, and etc.. Society is becoming a wasteland of discontent and disharmony. The fabric of the nation is beginning to rot and crumble. The Constitution is becoming simply a scrap of paper, and the nation may find itself at the heels of Communism.

Political Correctness paints a broad brush over any attempt to thwart them. The groundwork has been laid in our schools, an indoctrination so insidious that it is not noticed. While people labor to provide for their families, the progressives continue their assault through art, entertainment, education, and politics, adulterating our institutions as they go. Since the working man has not the time to understand the issues and what's happening, their liberty is being undermined. The police and the IRS have become authoritarians. Question them, even on a Constitutional point, and you find that such a confrontational attitude will be smacked in your face. Take it to court and your life's work will be destroyed. Thus people hide from such confrontation, or they are permissive out of a stupidity they see as good will.

A friend made the observation that: " He [Obama] is a New Left Revolutionary intent on destroying America as a representative republic and replacing it with an Orwellian worker's paradise Big Brother type utopia. His Star Chamber of Czars are a government in waiting. Obamacare, Cap and Trade, and his many other initiatives will transfer power from the Congress to the Czars, power to enforce and regulate. Power not authorized by the Constitution exercised by men not elected or confirmed by the Senate or the House. There will be no legal restraint on their actions and they will move with lightning speed to consolidate their authority and power before the ink has dried on the legislation. "

But is our government, the Obama’s, the Pelosi’s, and the Reid’s really controlling America? Is theirs the real hegemony depleting what little liberty you have left? It most certainly is not. Big time politicians come and go. But the FED and the bureaucracy not only stay but grow, controlling currency and the economy, and making laws and demands on the common citizen over which he has no control and even less knowledge of. Thousands of nonelected bureaucrats sit in their offices daily, working tirelessly to regulate, dictate, and punish the free market system and individual liberty in as many ways. The FED and Wall Street stuff their pockets with money they don’t earn. It is one thing to work hard and get rich in a free market system. It is quite another to do so by cheating the system without an ounce of productivity that enhances our economy or our integrity as a nation. The FED has locked us out of controlling them by taking us off the gold standard. And you think you are free? The Federal Register publishes 69,000 pages of regulations every year. The administration doesn’t have the time to read them, veto them, or regard them in any way. Their time is spent on TV, speeches, ridiculous committee meetings, trying to ram Obamacare, etc. down our throats, and apologizing for America’s past attempts to help the rest of the world’s oppressed.

Has anyone read the Federal Register? Could anyone understand if they did, could a team of lawyers? No damned way.

Our liberties were being bombarded, assaulted, restricted, and manipulated long before this Marxist regime took office.

Below is a couple of links you might enjoy. The first the Federal Register, the second is a great inspirational message, the third is about states making laws that do not allow the Federal ATF to interfere with their guns and ammo. Five states have passed this law, and many are following. And last, the groundswell.

http://bit.ly/FedReg15Days and http://bit.ly/FedReg2009




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