Monday, November 16, 2009

Robert Bork

Bork has written several books, including Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline, in which he argues that the rise of the New Left in the 1960s in the U.S. has undermined the moral standards necessary for civil society, and spawned a generation of intellectuals who oppose Western civilization.

Outliving a Liberal Activist – Part Two

The activism of the 60’s fueled a liberal philosophy far greater than any of its leaders or its followers imagined. It gave young people a feeling of abandoned freedom to circumvent reason and responsibility, to test the system, and to disenfranchise liberty and traditional values through misplaced idealism.

I spent part of my youth enamored with the works of Alan Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Like many I was a lost soul, looking for an identity. It led me, at times, into the gutter, into the back streets of poverty, and into the lives of the homeless.

I played bongos for strippers in Juarez, Mexico, slept in the gutter, trolled the streets of the most seedy and dangerous neighborhoods of Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia, and I believed, in my idealism, that my upbringing was nothing short of sanctimonious tripe. My protest was against the establishment and of anything conventional, rigorous, or even normal. I was 24.

I was not alone. Scores of young people in those days began to project politics, religion, and American values as hypocritical. It was a value changing decade throughout Western Civilization. It seemed chic to look for radical ideas of the past and promote their misguided and sociopathic idealism. It all seemed so … well … romantic, charming, and roguish. It was bullshit.

It gave rise to a much more insidious and dangerous progressive movement that intellectuals immersed themselves in with abandon. In the depths of their study they lost sight of common sense, reality, and historical perspective. It became popular to engage the idealism of youth through fevered monologue. While it began as the poetry of a youthful disdain for parental conformity, it became a very complex set of arguments.

Relativism, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, Marxism, all become the daily bread of progressive thought. And with it began the siege on American culture. It all seemed so benign during the 80’s and 90’s, all while a well tutored minority gathered strength. They infiltrated the media where they were given free reign by the first amendment to engage in a brilliant scheme of mind control. Even the assault on traditional Christianity is being joined by Christians. The arguments were so well tuned by that time that people would nod their heads in agreement. It all seemed so true and kind and virtuous. It did as well to the Danish, the French, and much of Europe. And it does now to many Americans.

But Denmark, France, and most of Europe are in the throes of losing their identity. French President Sarkozy has finally been forced to stand up against the onslaught of France’s cultural decay in a recent declaration to the UN, as has the Australian parliament and their Prime Minister. The same movement is happening in other Western countries. .

Who are these liberal progressives? We understand the infiltration of our culture by Muslims, for example, but why the assault from within our own ranks? To understand that, one must understand the origin and goals of liberal progressives. They were fueled largely from the idealism of the 60’s and perpetuated by a new cultural type unto itself. They are people who produce nothing, who do not own businesses, who do no manual labor, who are not farmers, and who are primarily urban. They understand the inner city and the appeal of Utopia speak.

They are self-appointed “progressive” social engineers and Utopian idealists who subvert and rape uninformed souls through an eloquent and insidious attack on their common sense. And with it they seize power, advantage, and control. They infiltrate government, replace the bureaucratic machine with their own, and prey on corporate money in a conspiracy to appropriate economic hegemony. This tandem coupling supports its own cultural regime, far from that of our founding. And with it, the financial elite continue to rape the working family through trickery, using that family's own tax dollar to plunder profit.

But chic is beginning to lose its flavor. Western civilization is beginning to rise in a belated effort to save itself. Those who do produce, who do labor, who do own small businesses, who do live apart from the hustle amid the grime of concrete, asphalt, project housing, and the grid locked traffic of Washington D.C. are taking up their guns and their religion and rebelling.

No, I shall not outlive the activists nor the minorities and special interest groups who shout from rooftops. When Samuel Adams remarked that ““It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless, minority; keen to set brush fires in people’s minds …” he might well have stated the case for the liberal activists and the strides they have made to unravel a culture. But we know that was not the case. He was stating an axiom apropos to his day and the colonist’s situation. Were he alive today his statement would be directed not as a call to arms against British tyranny, but against the onslaught of constitutional adulteration, at the unwieldy growth of government, at the ever increasing and ratcheting of taxation, and at the fevered efforts of fascist statists to subvert an entire cultural to satisfy their own misguided dementia and profit taking from working America.

Yes, I am running out of heart beats. The mindlessness of political correctness and the clever admonishment of protest is a combination too tightly woven within our complex social structure, as broken as it might be, for the successful rise of a people or for a call to arms any time soon to combat a clever tyranny.

When I finally came to my senses and realized the profane and sociopathic ideology of liberal activism, I ran for the hills, or the rice paddies as it were. Like it or not, agree with it or not, it was time for me to do it or get off the pot (pun not intended). Truth is, I was not smart enough to know if the damned thing was right or wrong, but I had to sleep with myself at night. Helping young GI’s in the Asian jungle seemed more truthful than helping them with purulent protests in the midst of long haired yippee clowns assailing Chicago.

It remains apropos to quote a fella named Jefferson once again:

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Thomas Jefferson

And from a lady friend who infers that I might be plagiarizing:

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. - Edward R. Murrow

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