Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Torah, Torah

Only liberals will argue with the statement that our traditional American culture is in shambles, breaking down, unraveling if you will. One need only look at the decline of Detroit over the past ten years, or Southern California, or even inside our universities, or our financial institutions. Some believe that is a good thing. Some are working hard at unraveling and secularizing it. There are salient reasons for that. One of them is what Jews feel is a leading pathway to their survival. If that seems difficult to understand, let me briefly explain my assertion.

To do that let’s look first at some facts. The American Constitution might very well be one of the greatest documents ever written for the governance of a people, the boundaries affecting their interrelation, and their responsibilities to one another, to the state, and to the nation. But it, by design, used broad strokes in its affirmation of liberty, justice, and property. Constitutional scholars and lawyers spend their lives trying to understand and interpret it for that very reason.

Here is just one example. The Second Amendment is short yet somewhat confusing. Both sides of the gun issue have argued incessantly for years about it. The Supreme Court has spent hundreds of hours interpreting it. And yet the fight goes on to remove guns from the people. Some say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to bear arms. Others say, yes, but only those of a state militia (which they mistakenly take as the police, and more insanely the military). But tell me, if you can, how that militia is to be formed and armed to protect the state from a tyrannical government or the people from a tyrannical state if guns are removed from the people. Decidedly, people have the right to protect themselves from those who threatened them or their families, but the Founding Fathers were thinking more about a government that might remove from us the very tenets of our Constitution. Indeed, there is no Constitution without the Second Amendment. History supports that as we saw in Austria in 1938, in Russia, in the Ukraine, in China, and in many Asian countries. Once guns were removed from the people, sometimes after convincing them to register their guns so the government knew who had them, hundreds and often millions were slaughtered.

The writers and signers of the Constitution had no means by which to envision the future without looking at the past. Nor did they have any reasonable way to qualify the First Amendment, the variations being endless.

The point is that it is easy to pervert the Constitution, making it seem almost comical if not a co-conspirator to crime. I seriously doubt that the founders envisioned that the authors of porn, for example, would use the First Amendment to legalize the demeaning of women for profit, or that Third World countries would be allowed to overrun our nation, or how to deal with the fact that mutilating one’s body with piercings and tattoos would come to define our culture, or that major cities would be overrun with Muslims trying to introduce the barbarity of Shari ’a law.

Throughout the history of America, since the ratification of the Constitution and those years of the ratification of its amendments, men have tried to use the Constitution to further their goals. While that is certainly one of its intents, the Constitution’s broad brush character has played a role in furthering the rights of those who would overthrow it.

While most people believe the goal, most commonly known as the liberal progressive movement, started some 100 years ago, or that it began its greatest surge during the 1960’s and more specifically 1968, that movement has indeed been at work since soon after the country was in its infancy, most notably by Jewish lawyers and intellectuals.

Jews have found that they thrive in a highly individualistic culture, which is not homogeneously Christian in character. When closely examined, their efforts in behalf of open immigration, the critique of traditional American mores and traditions, and the expungement of all vestiges of Christianity from the public square serve to replace Anglo-Christian culture with an aggressively secular multiculturalism.

Has it ever occurred to you who own most of the media, the newspapers, the major political magazines, television and the movie industry? Has it also ever occurred to you that what people think, how they conduct themselves, and what they know comes from those forms of indoctrination?

“The following are but a few of the Jewish titans who have shaped, and are shaping, the American media universe: Murray Rothstein, also known as Sumner Redstone, at CBS; Bryan Roberts and Jeff Zucker at NBC; Robert Eiger at ABC and Disney; the Newhouse family at the Portland Oregonian, St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Vogue, Glamour, House and Garden, New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Gentleman’s Quarterly, including many other newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations; Mortimer Zuckerman at New York Daily News and US News & World Report; the Sulzberger family at The New York Times, Boston Globe, and thirty-three other newspapers and magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle; Peter Chernin at Fox News; Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz at The Weekly Standard; Peter Kann at The Wall Street Journal; and Martin Peretz at the New Republic.” Dr. L. Scott Smith.

Much the same is true in the world of finance,

Have you ever wondered why “cultural differences” are viewed in America as merely a hodgepodge of meaningless distinctions? Then check out the work of Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas and cultural pluralist Horace Kallen.

Have you ever wondered why the American family unit has been all but decimated in terms of traditional Christian moral understanding? Read Horkeimer and Adorno.

Or why there has been an emphasis upon sexuality that militates against traditional American cultural mores? Read Sigmund Freud.

Does it not bother you that much of what our children are learning has been manipulated, that much of our history has been deleted or is not taught, and that liberal progressive thinking is being instilled in our children? As a recent example, one publisher of Mark Twain’s new edition of ‘Huckleberry Finn’ has removed all instances of the N-word, replacing it with “slave”, since the current editions have been banned from school curricula based on Twain’s word choice. What will be next, painting over the nudes of the great works of the renaissance with images of Tinker Bell?

Is it not a concern that many, if not most, of our universities are filled with liberal progressive professors?

Do the ideas of relativism, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, diversity, and the splintering of our culture appeal to you?

Why is American unraveling?

Let me give you just one of the many answers.

Before I answer that question, let me say that I am not an anti-Semite. To say that some in any ethnic group might be doing something I believe is wrong, does not mean that I attribute it to all in that group. My background might best be defined as Anglo-Saxon Protestant. I know a lot of people, certainly many politicians among them, in my ethnic group with whom I do not agree, but I do not condemn them as a whole.

Jews are an ancient people who have been persecuted throughout history. They have, as well, done a bit of persecuting on their own: Note the Russian Bolsheviks and the intentional starving to death of many of the people of the Ukraine. What ethnic group hasn’t? But Jews have a few things going for them. They are highly intelligent, having an IQ above that of most other ethnic groups. They are singularly industrious. They have received over the decades probably more Nobel prizes in the sciences, medicine, etc. than all other ethnic groups combined.

Comprising less that 2.9 percent of the American population, they have far more representation in America’s intellectual pursuits that any other ethnic group. And they are able, through their almost total dictatorship over the various forms of the media, to dilute and sabotage the political and traditional culture of a Christian nation.

It behooves the Jews in America to break apart and dilute the ideologies of a unified culture. For so long as it endures, the Jews remain a tiny minority, subject to the dictates of a formidable majority. However, if that unification can be displaced by diversification, they believe they will be protected from a monopoly of a traditional culture that one day might turn on them as such political advisories have in the past. The most notable to current knowledge is the Nazi horrors. The Holocaust has become a Jewish industry. Yet, more Christians and other ethnic groups were annihilated or suffered far more than the Jews during that period. In fact, throughout history, the Jews have been responsible for more carnage than was seen in Nazi Germany. That does not condone the actions of the Nazi regime in any way.

Western civilization is decidedly Christian. The fact is that the Catholic Church built Western Civilization and brought about the advent of reason. See Prof. Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Ph.D., How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, and Prof. Rodney Stark, Ph. D. The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success. The question is: Why are most people not aware of this today? The answer is: Jews control the publishing in this country, and they control the media. They are largely at war with the character of Western civilization.

We live in a society that is in denial about its own identity and is cursed with self-hatred. Political correctness is all about hating our own values. Why else has the President of the United States blazed a trail of apology around the world?

The history alluded to herein is available from many sources, many of them somewhat obscure to the general public. Many publishing houses won’t touch such historical data as it smacks of political incorrectness. There are two current sources of which I am aware that are splendidly informative:

(1) Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s, The Culture of Critique, An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in the Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, 1998, self-published, 421 pages. Prof. MacDonald is on the faculty of the Department of Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, California. He argues that Jewish intellectuals, such as Franz Boas, Sigmund Freud, Max Horkheimer, T. W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Horace Kallen, have proffered slashing critiques of Anglo-Christian culture, and have done so in a manner that is not only radically political, but scientifically questionable.

(2) Dr. L. Scott Smith’s, The Secularization of America's Public Culture: Jews and the Establishment Clause, the publication of which will be forthcoming this Spring in the University of La Verne Law Review. This lengthy study details the victimization of Jews in Anglo-America and their subsequent efforts to render the culture safe by secularizing it through utilization of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The author argues that, while this “secularization project” has been beneficial to Jews in many respects, it has tended toward the destabilization of America by rendering it more difficult for citizens to reach consensus and thereby to solve pressing social and political problems. Dr. Smith’s study shows that Otto Pfeffer and the American Jewish Congress laid siege to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by pushing the Court to outlaw religious practices that helped to define traditional American culture for generations.

Denial has no survival value.

Again, my opinion of the 6 most important affronts to America’s traditionalism, values, and culture:

1. The pouring of significant numbers of illegal aliens across our southern border.
2. The infiltration of Islam and its credo to change all governments to Shari'a law.
3. The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel
4. The Jewish intellectual, entrepreneur, and media
5. The Obama administration and the liberal progressives behind them
6. The ignorance of the bulk of the American people. That is: Obama is the prince of fools.

Two are left to explore.

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