Sunday, August 22, 2010

De Oppresso Liber

“The Statue of Liberty (originally called Liberty Enlightening the World (French: La Liberté éclairant le monde)) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of American independence. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue has become an iconic symbol of freedom and of the United States.” Wikipedia.

I am ex-Special Forces, better known to some as Green Berets. They have a motto that appears on most of the insignia they wear: De Oppresso Liber. It means: Free the Oppressed. It is an expression of the American psyche of wanting freedom for all, and in the case of the military, fighting for it.

Many would write: We are a nation of immigrants and the children of immigrants. We welcomed the world’s tired, poor, and huddled masses for decades. It inspired a Frenchman to design and build the prominent reminder in the most conspicuous place in our nation, New York Harbor, to pay tribute to that noble attribute of our character.

Statue of Liberty National Monument
Emma Lazarus’ Famous Poem
A poem by Emma Lazarus is graven on a tablet
within the pedestal on which the statue stands

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

But that is entirely backwards!

Emma’s poem did, in fact, reinvent the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world as a result of a woman who was inexhaustible in petitioning to have the Emma’s poem immortalized some 17 years after the completion and dedication of the statue. While the statue’s intention was one of international republicanism and liberty, it became one of mass immigration.

The term ”immigrant” is often used incorrectly. For Americans to say that we are all immigrants or the children of immigrants is wrong. The original colonies were “settlers.” Immigrants were later inhabitants that were expected to conform to the institutions set up by the original settlers, our founding fathers. I am the great, great grandson of a man from Denmark. My relatives have left the Danish language far behind, and I know no one among them who now speaks it.

In the beginning, immigrants were primarily of European descent. But that has changed considerably over the decades (Specifically, since 1965). Now those from the Middle East, Asia, South America, Mexico and other countries make up the majority of immigrants.

In every country that I am aware of, immigration is a law enforced undertaking for myriad reasons. And immigration without respect for or not obeying the law is illegal by definition. But the legality of immigration is only a small part, and I venture to say, the least significant part, of what has become an increasingly grave problem. It is not simply a matter of the law in many cases.

A nation remains strong by its adherence to unity, cohesiveness, its shared values, and goals. E Pluribus Unum is not a fickle logo on our coins. Nor is “One Nation Under God.” While “From many, one” denoted the original 13 states answering to one government, it has come to mean far more. They are expressions of our exceptionalism. We have one language that facilitates not only our communication with one another, but binds us together as a holistic entity, with a common government binding us all. If one is a citizen, one needs to communicate in English. To not do so is an affront to one’s citizenship and to the American goal of our national unity and sovereignty: We-The-People.

Thus, one attribute of the problem appears to be assimilation. But is it not a symptom of something more sinister? Most ethnic groups immigrating to America are simply not assimilating, nor do they appear to have any intention of doing so. That tends to move us toward a growing factional ethnic diversity that pulls the nation’s cohesive structure apart. The result is a continual weakening of our country. Is that weakening intentional? And is it from within?

One has to wonder why the rush to become American or to migrate here. Of course, we think we know the answer. They have a three fold motive. Because the pickings are better here than where they came from, which begs a second part of that motive in the form of a question: Why do we have something that other, more depressed, countries don’t have? The second motive is illegal drugs. Because we buy them, they will do anything to sell them to us. Anything! The last motive is because they wish to infiltrate out country to do violence. But again, is this a matter of appearance and perception or something else? Why does our government refuse to do anything about it, to protect its own?

This rush to cross the border based on motive has increased on what was once a linear scale. But now, they are flooding the gates like a dam that has broken. We fund this invasion through our own tax dollars and a sympathetic shoulder as those who employ them feed off the slavery of oppressed souls.

The great majority of these people are not only oppressed but for the most part illiterate. But with help they can fill out a ballot. They are told how and for whom. They represent a huge potential voting block that will vote because they understand what it means to have an empty belly, cognizant of what it means to be oppressed, and they like the promises that are made to them. Unlike many Americans, they are certainly not apathetic, bathing in the fruits of some half forgotten laurel, riding the waves of their fortune in a bright, new BMW. They know that voting and radical activism will bring them closer to that same car. But … is that the real reason?

They are also aware (suspect) that America is soft if not cowardly. They know (believe) that America will not stand up for herself. Like a high school kid who arrogantly uses profanity to his teacher because he knows (discerns) there is no longer any accountability, Mexican nationals in this country defiantly parade the Mexican flag while burning the American flag. While they willing accept and use our tax dollars, they show a blatant disregard of us, for our laws, for our nation. Their disdain for us is more than apparent. A great many of them believe America owes them reparation, in fact, almost the entire south and west coast all the way to Oregon.

The flood is reaching epic proportions. There are basic considerations here. Are you willing to sacrifice your children for the good of those unfortunates from across the border? Helping the oppressed can be a noble undertaking. But is it noble to endanger and oppress your own family and fellow citizens in the process? And what is that danger? The quality of life of our youth is marginalized. Danger lurks with gangs, drugs, kidnapping, rape, murder, competition for jobs, and liberal concepts that weaken America. Will we allow them to take over the country in some desperate and miss begotten idea of De Oppresso Liber?

The flood of people from across the border is also undoubtedly an intentional act of both the Mexican and American governments. Revenue for the US as well as Mexico, both of whom need the income, continues the flow of the often illiterate and poor. This is advantageous for both governments. Because of this it emboldens those who live near the border to encroach on the US for various reasons, much of which is not only illegal but violent. While at the same time it dilutes our own hard earned standard of social and civilized quality of life. And the cost to the tax payers is tremendous.

While our government is willing to send hundreds of thousands of military troops half way round the world to fight in countries that are far from our borders, we allow our southern border to be overrun. Why is that? Are you getting it? Let’s use the trick of being obtuse to provide clarity.

One might ask the question “Do we exist?” A first year analytical problem for students of philosophy. We might confuse, by oversimplification, the issue by suggesting simply that we perceive things by sensory data, the argument resulting in the belief that we do, indeed, exist. But we know that things to do not exist in exacting forms. For example, a banana is yellow in the light but black or very dark yellow in the dark. Our perception of the banana changes. Without sensory perception, does the banana exist? The man who is color blind perceives the world around him differently from the man who perceives what he believes to be color. We are energy, yet energy is not matter. We are atoms and molecules between which is space. Regardless of the outcome of our fruitless analysis, we do perceive fright, anger, and danger and hope to react accordingly. Our perception of data is sometimes intentionally manufactured by external forces. Media, for example, purposely manipulates both the data input to our brains and the way in which we perceive it.

Perceptions of social issues can be applied by the intelligentsia in much the same manner, giving us the idea that things are not as we see them. We apply analogies, clichés, and such platitudes as “Eating the elephant one bite at a time until the elephant is gone.” In much the same manner, we believe we perceive what we cannot prove and, as well, believe it in some indescribable form.

Our own government is adept at manipulating what we perceive. The progressive left is as well. And the two have melded together. Of the six threats against the USA, much is allowed by altering our perception of reality. And that is an intentional key to our own demise.

We are told by the Republican Party and conservatives to leave social issues alone until we have changed the guard and gotten a handle on the economy. But in the meantime we allow another several years of other threats to dig in deeper and impose their will on our society.

This concept of social perception engineering will appear again and again as we look at the 6 threats against America. Political Correctness only touches the surface.

Johnson’s 1965 decision to sign the bill that eventually and inadvertently opened the flood gates to immigration is but one symptom of an underlying conspiracy to destroy traditional America. His bill actually was an effort to demonstrate America’s fairness. In fact, he specifically declared when signing the bill that the days of mass immigration were over. The bill was used by others to transform American society as we well see in another of the six threats.

The truth of the matter is that American opinion is severely manipulated.

Denial has no survival value.

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