Sunday, August 2, 2009

L. Scott Smith: America Unraveling

Jonah Goldberg: Liberal Fascism

The Mantra of “Change”

Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the “problem” and therefore defined as the enemy. I will argue that contemporary American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism. Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism.

The mind of human kind does not flow softly through the soul of society. Its rapids gut the sand below the rocks, digging ever-deeper holes. It will not leave well enough alone, but continuously attempts to fix that which is not broken. As ill equipped for social structure as man might be, America, for the past two hundred years, has accomplished more than any society in history. Among others, these successes have encompassed freedom, economic security, the exercise of Christian public faith, the willingness and struggles of our young to keep us free, and the potential to rise to the heights of our dreams.

Yet, for decades, its academicians, those among us who have proven themselves as intellectuals and gained tenure within our universities, have worked to destroy it. But they are not without dispute among the highly educated and thoughtful. L. Scott Smith’s book, American Unraveling, A Politically Incorrect Analysis of Public Faith and Culture, for example, demonstrates by exhaustive research the path of America’s deception by liberal ideology. Smith is a seminary-educated and ordained minister, doctor of philosophy, and a lawyer. He carefully explores and defines the state of our nation’s culture, exposes the theory of the “godless” Constitution, shows how the nation’s immigration policy and the multiculturalism it has spawned are erecting a “Tower of Babel”, explains why the formative principles of the philosophy of liberalism are logical gobbledygook, and how the United States Supreme court is galloping toward “krytocracy.”
One would think that common sense would prevail over the madness of nonsense. But the principles of the liberal left are not without nuance. On the fringes of its philosophy is the promise of utopia, illusive though it might be. As was shown by Jim Jones, David Koresh, Hitler, Mussolini, and a host of others of their ilk, the philosophy of tribal unity is fraught with an idealism that is difficult to dismiss. It can be shown to be loving, philanthropic, fair minded, and leveling. It punctuates racism, yet is steaming with it. As the traditional boundaries of morality, values, public faith, and economic health shrink, our government is taking full advantage of its weaknesses.

The government acts with impunity to regulate every aspect of our lives. There is reluctance to severe this occupation of our liberty. The actions taken by an administration of “change” are welcome by legions of people who do not understand their consequences. Many in the country did not vote for the ideals of progressive liberalism; they simply voted against the last administration. But what they unwittingly got was a progressive march toward socialism. But is it socialism or fascism? Does it matter? Most certainly it does, because fascism can be far more evil than socialism. The latter is the antithesis of capitalism and is marked by collectivism and the slippery slope toward communism. Fascism, on the other hand, leads to tyranny, repression, and dictatorship.

But America is rife with factions and enclaves that voted for a liberal identity. Not understanding the ideals of the American experiment, they were ripe to embrace the “touchy, feely” premise that liberalism preaches. It signifies hope to those who envision a relief from their economic woes that they see as oppression. It plays to the emotions of artists. It holds accountable what they see as the privileged white majority. It is the final solution to almost every fringe element in the country. How can liberal fascism be any worse than what America has supposedly dealt to these people? Oh, but it can and it will be.

Life without liberty is life without hope. As the tentacles of big government begin to squeeze freedom from its citizens with force, regulation, and social pressure, the vision of success, economic freedom, individual and public faith, the free exercise of will, and even the most mundane of life’s decisions will be monitored and directed by the government, the definition of which is no longer the people, but the purveyors of behemoth, bureaucratic paperwork. The bureaucratic machine is already immense, ambivalent, divisive, and so removed from social interaction and understanding that the lives of the many are being run by the misguided hegemony of the few. It is a cancerous cloth so tightly woven that cutting through it has become impossible.

Paraphrasing Goldberg, the individual will not have the right to not be healthy. The state will be obligated to force you to be healthy for your own good. Environmentalism will give license to moral bullying and intrusion. L.Scott Smith writes, “An essential goal of the traditionalist involves curtailing the excesses of liberalism, which has led to a self-seeking citizenry motivated by the material and enslaved to the secular.”

Morality will operate under a new and glorious paradigm of relativistic card shuffling. The playing field will be leveled along with merit outside the sponsoring goodness of government. And life will be the drool of mediocrity. At last the march toward social equilibrium will force us all into the holiness of the third world. Everyone will be happy in his or her own manufactured demise.

Be wary, for this was exactly the tactic of Hitler, Mussolini, and other fascistic regimes throughout history.

Denial is the emperor of sheep.

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