Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Euphoric Blissful Ignorance−Enablers of Great American Tragedies


Getwinn comes from the Anglo-Saxon word, which means “that which is divided.” Such a strange term seems rather apropos when describing the current state of America. And yet, strangely enough still, is the so called silent majority rising from their couches and going to the voting booth. Will it matter? A subject for some debate.

Middle America has been hard at work, taking care of their families and paying their taxes. They have been relatively content with incomes, food in their bellies, cars in the garage, and golf and football on their minds. In the meantime, the rest of their brethren are working hard to change America into a multicultural, secular, socialist state. Many in America were awakened to that fact and rose up to do something about it. And yet, millions remain in limbo.

I have acquaintances who are well educated, hardworking people. I have asked them relatively simple questions about the issues to which they don’t know the answers. They seem not to watch TV, read the paper, or follow the issues. One fellow who came to my house to repair my computer, who I would take to be about 30, is well dressed, very intelligent, and a nice guy. It was voting day, and I asked him if he were going to make it to the voting booth. He told me that he does not vote because he does not keep up with the issues. It was both an honest and intelligent decision on his part. If one does not know the issues or what the candidates stand for, one should not vote. But the question is: Why does he not know the issues and why do my educated acquaintances not know many of them either, while at the same time thousands of the semi-literate are being herded to the voting booths to elect people and engage issues that are decidedly un-American?

I submit to you that much of Middle America is still apathetic. They seem not to care, or they believe it is beyond them to do anything about it as America slips away from them. This feeling of apathy or helplessness is not uncommon. History is rife with such sentiment. People submit to what they feel they have no power to subvert or change. What is happening with the TSA is as much an example of that as the people of Germany who succumbed to participating in the horrors of Nazism. Now gays in the military can flaunt their sexual preference, and the discrimination lawsuits will escalate. The psychologist who killed 31 people on base worked with returning vets who supposedly had PTSD. To help overcome their problems, he gave them copies of the Qu’ran. The man tried to indoctrinate our soldiers with such garbage for 7 years without the military doing anything about it, even though they knew what he was doing. Heaven forbid that they single him out and break one of the enemy’s most useful tools: America’s love affair with political correctness. Now gays will and are exploiting that as well.

Although one might not see the similarity to the TSA, the basic mindset is the same. Those running it have been given the power to do as they wish. Those employed to carry it out have found themselves in the position of being dehumanized in order to feed themselves and their families. They actively participate in the affront, the indignity, and the humiliation of those wishing to board a plane. And with the millions of people being subjected to such outrageous stripping of their privacy, not a single terrorist has been either revealed or apprehended by the TSA.

And yet, America does not rebel. Some feel this outrageous affront to their privacy is more than called for in these frightening times. They are willing to sacrifice their freedom for security. And if the founders of our great nation had felt the same …what then? But many go along because they are in a hurry or simply feel impotent to do anything about it. The beast is just too large to confront.

We are being bullied by political correctness. Even those in the military find themselves beholding to a sissy state. Understanding the issues is tiresome and seen as irrelevant by many.

As well, one has to ask: Where are the clergy of American Christianity? This same mindset has haltered them as well. With 87 percent of the US being Christian, they still allow political correctness to bind them in a cloth of cowardly behavior, sacrificing public faith, culture, and the traditional icons that make us Americans. Will book burnings and the cathartic extraction of religion be next? Why not, much of our history has been excised from elementary, middle, and high school texts while our universities are filled with liberal professors that refuse to teach traditional and conservative values.

See what this Austrian MP says on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRmgI_WXff0
. Political correctness prevents Americans from taking this Austrian Member of Parliament’s stand. Oddly enough, speaking about the Koran in most European countries will get you arrested.

Most don’t have any real understanding of the Constitution and its amendments. Nor will they really care until their bellies are empty.

The Left is extremely nervous about those who carry and advocate guns. Such conservative groups as the Oath Keepers scare the hell out of them, and are seen as the enemy, not only traitors but terrorists. Yet, they only swear to uphold the Constitution.

And then there is our culture of entitlements.

To make the math easier, let’s assume there are 300 million people in the US. Let’s further assume that half of them are either too young, too old, or too infirm to work. The leaves 150 million people who could be working. If the unemployed is 10 percent, the means that 15 million of America’s working force is sitting idle, depending on the other 135 million to support them. But do those15 million people want to work? It is a fact that a young, single women with 3 children has as much disposable income if she works one week a month as man with a family of 3 children making $60,000 a year who works 50 weeks a year. This is purely a matter of entitlements given to the poor that the average family does not have available. But those who do not work a week a month are running out of unemployment checks. Once their belly is empty, once there seems no hope, they will do anything to survive. Crime increases because those who in normal times would be leading decent, law abiding lives, are now faced with just surviving.

Many experts say that we heading down the slippery slope to economic collapse. Buy gold they say. But they don’t say how the masses can do so or how gold will be used in such a situation as economic collapse. All this appears to be above the average American’s head. And it is this confusion and feeling of complete powerlessness that induces apathy for both the average working stiff and the clergy as well.

One can also make a case that public apathy has led to some the major tragedies seen in America or to Americans. An interesting treatise on this theme can be found at http://www.defraudingamerica.com/public_apathy.html
. It also gives some pointers of how you can help. The photo above was taken from their site. Will I be sued? Another American pastime.

Of the six things below that confronts the US, in my humble opinion, and that are leading to our downfall, both culturally and economically, I have looked at the first three. I will look at the Jewish involvement in all this next time.

Again: Denial has no survival value.

1. The pouring of significant numbers of illegal aliens across our southern border.
2. The infiltration of Islam and its credo to change all governments to Shari'a law.
3. The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel
4. The Jewish intellectual, entrepreneur, and media
5. The Obama administration and the liberal progressives behind them
6. The ignorance of the bulk of the American people. That is: Obama is the prince of fools.