Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Torah, Torah

Only liberals will argue with the statement that our traditional American culture is in shambles, breaking down, unraveling if you will. One need only look at the decline of Detroit over the past ten years, or Southern California, or even inside our universities, or our financial institutions. Some believe that is a good thing. Some are working hard at unraveling and secularizing it. There are salient reasons for that. One of them is what Jews feel is a leading pathway to their survival. If that seems difficult to understand, let me briefly explain my assertion.

To do that let’s look first at some facts. The American Constitution might very well be one of the greatest documents ever written for the governance of a people, the boundaries affecting their interrelation, and their responsibilities to one another, to the state, and to the nation. But it, by design, used broad strokes in its affirmation of liberty, justice, and property. Constitutional scholars and lawyers spend their lives trying to understand and interpret it for that very reason.

Here is just one example. The Second Amendment is short yet somewhat confusing. Both sides of the gun issue have argued incessantly for years about it. The Supreme Court has spent hundreds of hours interpreting it. And yet the fight goes on to remove guns from the people. Some say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to bear arms. Others say, yes, but only those of a state militia (which they mistakenly take as the police, and more insanely the military). But tell me, if you can, how that militia is to be formed and armed to protect the state from a tyrannical government or the people from a tyrannical state if guns are removed from the people. Decidedly, people have the right to protect themselves from those who threatened them or their families, but the Founding Fathers were thinking more about a government that might remove from us the very tenets of our Constitution. Indeed, there is no Constitution without the Second Amendment. History supports that as we saw in Austria in 1938, in Russia, in the Ukraine, in China, and in many Asian countries. Once guns were removed from the people, sometimes after convincing them to register their guns so the government knew who had them, hundreds and often millions were slaughtered.

The writers and signers of the Constitution had no means by which to envision the future without looking at the past. Nor did they have any reasonable way to qualify the First Amendment, the variations being endless.

The point is that it is easy to pervert the Constitution, making it seem almost comical if not a co-conspirator to crime. I seriously doubt that the founders envisioned that the authors of porn, for example, would use the First Amendment to legalize the demeaning of women for profit, or that Third World countries would be allowed to overrun our nation, or how to deal with the fact that mutilating one’s body with piercings and tattoos would come to define our culture, or that major cities would be overrun with Muslims trying to introduce the barbarity of Shari ’a law.

Throughout the history of America, since the ratification of the Constitution and those years of the ratification of its amendments, men have tried to use the Constitution to further their goals. While that is certainly one of its intents, the Constitution’s broad brush character has played a role in furthering the rights of those who would overthrow it.

While most people believe the goal, most commonly known as the liberal progressive movement, started some 100 years ago, or that it began its greatest surge during the 1960’s and more specifically 1968, that movement has indeed been at work since soon after the country was in its infancy, most notably by Jewish lawyers and intellectuals.

Jews have found that they thrive in a highly individualistic culture, which is not homogeneously Christian in character. When closely examined, their efforts in behalf of open immigration, the critique of traditional American mores and traditions, and the expungement of all vestiges of Christianity from the public square serve to replace Anglo-Christian culture with an aggressively secular multiculturalism.

Has it ever occurred to you who own most of the media, the newspapers, the major political magazines, television and the movie industry? Has it also ever occurred to you that what people think, how they conduct themselves, and what they know comes from those forms of indoctrination?

“The following are but a few of the Jewish titans who have shaped, and are shaping, the American media universe: Murray Rothstein, also known as Sumner Redstone, at CBS; Bryan Roberts and Jeff Zucker at NBC; Robert Eiger at ABC and Disney; the Newhouse family at the Portland Oregonian, St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Vogue, Glamour, House and Garden, New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Gentleman’s Quarterly, including many other newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations; Mortimer Zuckerman at New York Daily News and US News & World Report; the Sulzberger family at The New York Times, Boston Globe, and thirty-three other newspapers and magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle; Peter Chernin at Fox News; Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz at The Weekly Standard; Peter Kann at The Wall Street Journal; and Martin Peretz at the New Republic.” Dr. L. Scott Smith.

Much the same is true in the world of finance,

Have you ever wondered why “cultural differences” are viewed in America as merely a hodgepodge of meaningless distinctions? Then check out the work of Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas and cultural pluralist Horace Kallen.

Have you ever wondered why the American family unit has been all but decimated in terms of traditional Christian moral understanding? Read Horkeimer and Adorno.

Or why there has been an emphasis upon sexuality that militates against traditional American cultural mores? Read Sigmund Freud.

Does it not bother you that much of what our children are learning has been manipulated, that much of our history has been deleted or is not taught, and that liberal progressive thinking is being instilled in our children? As a recent example, one publisher of Mark Twain’s new edition of ‘Huckleberry Finn’ has removed all instances of the N-word, replacing it with “slave”, since the current editions have been banned from school curricula based on Twain’s word choice. What will be next, painting over the nudes of the great works of the renaissance with images of Tinker Bell?

Is it not a concern that many, if not most, of our universities are filled with liberal progressive professors?

Do the ideas of relativism, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, diversity, and the splintering of our culture appeal to you?

Why is American unraveling?

Let me give you just one of the many answers.

Before I answer that question, let me say that I am not an anti-Semite. To say that some in any ethnic group might be doing something I believe is wrong, does not mean that I attribute it to all in that group. My background might best be defined as Anglo-Saxon Protestant. I know a lot of people, certainly many politicians among them, in my ethnic group with whom I do not agree, but I do not condemn them as a whole.

Jews are an ancient people who have been persecuted throughout history. They have, as well, done a bit of persecuting on their own: Note the Russian Bolsheviks and the intentional starving to death of many of the people of the Ukraine. What ethnic group hasn’t? But Jews have a few things going for them. They are highly intelligent, having an IQ above that of most other ethnic groups. They are singularly industrious. They have received over the decades probably more Nobel prizes in the sciences, medicine, etc. than all other ethnic groups combined.

Comprising less that 2.9 percent of the American population, they have far more representation in America’s intellectual pursuits that any other ethnic group. And they are able, through their almost total dictatorship over the various forms of the media, to dilute and sabotage the political and traditional culture of a Christian nation.

It behooves the Jews in America to break apart and dilute the ideologies of a unified culture. For so long as it endures, the Jews remain a tiny minority, subject to the dictates of a formidable majority. However, if that unification can be displaced by diversification, they believe they will be protected from a monopoly of a traditional culture that one day might turn on them as such political advisories have in the past. The most notable to current knowledge is the Nazi horrors. The Holocaust has become a Jewish industry. Yet, more Christians and other ethnic groups were annihilated or suffered far more than the Jews during that period. In fact, throughout history, the Jews have been responsible for more carnage than was seen in Nazi Germany. That does not condone the actions of the Nazi regime in any way.

Western civilization is decidedly Christian. The fact is that the Catholic Church built Western Civilization and brought about the advent of reason. See Prof. Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Ph.D., How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, and Prof. Rodney Stark, Ph. D. The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success. The question is: Why are most people not aware of this today? The answer is: Jews control the publishing in this country, and they control the media. They are largely at war with the character of Western civilization.

We live in a society that is in denial about its own identity and is cursed with self-hatred. Political correctness is all about hating our own values. Why else has the President of the United States blazed a trail of apology around the world?

The history alluded to herein is available from many sources, many of them somewhat obscure to the general public. Many publishing houses won’t touch such historical data as it smacks of political incorrectness. There are two current sources of which I am aware that are splendidly informative:

(1) Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s, The Culture of Critique, An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in the Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, 1998, self-published, 421 pages. Prof. MacDonald is on the faculty of the Department of Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, California. He argues that Jewish intellectuals, such as Franz Boas, Sigmund Freud, Max Horkheimer, T. W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Horace Kallen, have proffered slashing critiques of Anglo-Christian culture, and have done so in a manner that is not only radically political, but scientifically questionable.

(2) Dr. L. Scott Smith’s, The Secularization of America's Public Culture: Jews and the Establishment Clause, the publication of which will be forthcoming this Spring in the University of La Verne Law Review. This lengthy study details the victimization of Jews in Anglo-America and their subsequent efforts to render the culture safe by secularizing it through utilization of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The author argues that, while this “secularization project” has been beneficial to Jews in many respects, it has tended toward the destabilization of America by rendering it more difficult for citizens to reach consensus and thereby to solve pressing social and political problems. Dr. Smith’s study shows that Otto Pfeffer and the American Jewish Congress laid siege to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by pushing the Court to outlaw religious practices that helped to define traditional American culture for generations.

Denial has no survival value.

Again, my opinion of the 6 most important affronts to America’s traditionalism, values, and culture:

1. The pouring of significant numbers of illegal aliens across our southern border.
2. The infiltration of Islam and its credo to change all governments to Shari'a law.
3. The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel
4. The Jewish intellectual, entrepreneur, and media
5. The Obama administration and the liberal progressives behind them
6. The ignorance of the bulk of the American people. That is: Obama is the prince of fools.

Two are left to explore.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Euphoric Blissful Ignorance−Enablers of Great American Tragedies


Getwinn comes from the Anglo-Saxon word, which means “that which is divided.” Such a strange term seems rather apropos when describing the current state of America. And yet, strangely enough still, is the so called silent majority rising from their couches and going to the voting booth. Will it matter? A subject for some debate.

Middle America has been hard at work, taking care of their families and paying their taxes. They have been relatively content with incomes, food in their bellies, cars in the garage, and golf and football on their minds. In the meantime, the rest of their brethren are working hard to change America into a multicultural, secular, socialist state. Many in America were awakened to that fact and rose up to do something about it. And yet, millions remain in limbo.

I have acquaintances who are well educated, hardworking people. I have asked them relatively simple questions about the issues to which they don’t know the answers. They seem not to watch TV, read the paper, or follow the issues. One fellow who came to my house to repair my computer, who I would take to be about 30, is well dressed, very intelligent, and a nice guy. It was voting day, and I asked him if he were going to make it to the voting booth. He told me that he does not vote because he does not keep up with the issues. It was both an honest and intelligent decision on his part. If one does not know the issues or what the candidates stand for, one should not vote. But the question is: Why does he not know the issues and why do my educated acquaintances not know many of them either, while at the same time thousands of the semi-literate are being herded to the voting booths to elect people and engage issues that are decidedly un-American?

I submit to you that much of Middle America is still apathetic. They seem not to care, or they believe it is beyond them to do anything about it as America slips away from them. This feeling of apathy or helplessness is not uncommon. History is rife with such sentiment. People submit to what they feel they have no power to subvert or change. What is happening with the TSA is as much an example of that as the people of Germany who succumbed to participating in the horrors of Nazism. Now gays in the military can flaunt their sexual preference, and the discrimination lawsuits will escalate. The psychologist who killed 31 people on base worked with returning vets who supposedly had PTSD. To help overcome their problems, he gave them copies of the Qu’ran. The man tried to indoctrinate our soldiers with such garbage for 7 years without the military doing anything about it, even though they knew what he was doing. Heaven forbid that they single him out and break one of the enemy’s most useful tools: America’s love affair with political correctness. Now gays will and are exploiting that as well.

Although one might not see the similarity to the TSA, the basic mindset is the same. Those running it have been given the power to do as they wish. Those employed to carry it out have found themselves in the position of being dehumanized in order to feed themselves and their families. They actively participate in the affront, the indignity, and the humiliation of those wishing to board a plane. And with the millions of people being subjected to such outrageous stripping of their privacy, not a single terrorist has been either revealed or apprehended by the TSA.

And yet, America does not rebel. Some feel this outrageous affront to their privacy is more than called for in these frightening times. They are willing to sacrifice their freedom for security. And if the founders of our great nation had felt the same …what then? But many go along because they are in a hurry or simply feel impotent to do anything about it. The beast is just too large to confront.

We are being bullied by political correctness. Even those in the military find themselves beholding to a sissy state. Understanding the issues is tiresome and seen as irrelevant by many.

As well, one has to ask: Where are the clergy of American Christianity? This same mindset has haltered them as well. With 87 percent of the US being Christian, they still allow political correctness to bind them in a cloth of cowardly behavior, sacrificing public faith, culture, and the traditional icons that make us Americans. Will book burnings and the cathartic extraction of religion be next? Why not, much of our history has been excised from elementary, middle, and high school texts while our universities are filled with liberal professors that refuse to teach traditional and conservative values.

See what this Austrian MP says on
. Political correctness prevents Americans from taking this Austrian Member of Parliament’s stand. Oddly enough, speaking about the Koran in most European countries will get you arrested.

Most don’t have any real understanding of the Constitution and its amendments. Nor will they really care until their bellies are empty.

The Left is extremely nervous about those who carry and advocate guns. Such conservative groups as the Oath Keepers scare the hell out of them, and are seen as the enemy, not only traitors but terrorists. Yet, they only swear to uphold the Constitution.

And then there is our culture of entitlements.

To make the math easier, let’s assume there are 300 million people in the US. Let’s further assume that half of them are either too young, too old, or too infirm to work. The leaves 150 million people who could be working. If the unemployed is 10 percent, the means that 15 million of America’s working force is sitting idle, depending on the other 135 million to support them. But do those15 million people want to work? It is a fact that a young, single women with 3 children has as much disposable income if she works one week a month as man with a family of 3 children making $60,000 a year who works 50 weeks a year. This is purely a matter of entitlements given to the poor that the average family does not have available. But those who do not work a week a month are running out of unemployment checks. Once their belly is empty, once there seems no hope, they will do anything to survive. Crime increases because those who in normal times would be leading decent, law abiding lives, are now faced with just surviving.

Many experts say that we heading down the slippery slope to economic collapse. Buy gold they say. But they don’t say how the masses can do so or how gold will be used in such a situation as economic collapse. All this appears to be above the average American’s head. And it is this confusion and feeling of complete powerlessness that induces apathy for both the average working stiff and the clergy as well.

One can also make a case that public apathy has led to some the major tragedies seen in America or to Americans. An interesting treatise on this theme can be found at
. It also gives some pointers of how you can help. The photo above was taken from their site. Will I be sued? Another American pastime.

Of the six things below that confronts the US, in my humble opinion, and that are leading to our downfall, both culturally and economically, I have looked at the first three. I will look at the Jewish involvement in all this next time.

Again: Denial has no survival value.

1. The pouring of significant numbers of illegal aliens across our southern border.
2. The infiltration of Islam and its credo to change all governments to Shari'a law.
3. The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel
4. The Jewish intellectual, entrepreneur, and media
5. The Obama administration and the liberal progressives behind them
6. The ignorance of the bulk of the American people. That is: Obama is the prince of fools.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Does anyone find it strange that people leave behind what is a life of poverty and oppression for the good life in America, and the minute they get here begin efforts to impose on us the same political and religious beliefs that made the country they left the way it was? Seems like human nature doesn’t it. But it is not as simple as that or as kindly unintentional.

For example, it is believed that by the year 2050, Europe will be a Muslim state. Westerners are reproducing their kind at a level below sustenance, while both Hispanics and Muslims are reproducing much above sustenance. Is it just the way they are, or is the effort intentional? To understand that, one must understand Islam and Shari’a law. In my opinion, it is the next higher level of threat to America above that of mass migration across our southern border. Why would that be the case when 1.9 million Muslims comprise less that 1% of the population? That question is as intriguing as the impact that small group is having on our textbooks, school curriculum, and the growth of American born terrorists. A recent study revealed that Islam is now mentioned twice as often in our children’s textbooks as Christianity.

Mohammad considered himself a prophet. (Strangely enough, a lot of people consider themselves prophets as well.) During the first 13 years of his life he took his show on the road. He was a kindly gent, having a mild but persuasive personality. All was good, but he was disappointed that after 13 years he had only managed to convert 150 souls for his efforts. Something had to change, and it did. He turned to violence. He and his followers were treated harshly by the Meccan tribes. After 8 years of warring with the Meccans, he had united many of the tribes and his following had swollen to 10,000. Within the next 2 years, he had 150,000 converts. Violence worked! By the time of his death in 632, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam, and he had united the tribes of Arabia into a single Muslim religious polity. How was he able to do that? What, exactly, does the term “violence” mean?

Unlike the bible that is a compilation of the works of several authors over several centuries, the Koran (Qur’an) was written by one man. Though its compilation was many years in the making, several portions were lost. It is strange that in its manner of poetry and peace in the very early writings, it became very un-poetic, long winded, and commanding of policy, law, and position in the later writings. Much of this is due to his angst against both the Jews and Christians who refused his proposals that he was the new prophet, and they need only look at their books to know it. Since no such words were recorded there, he announced that both Jews and Christians were Islamic, but had intentionally thrown the words of him from their books. His attitude for Jews and Christians took a hate filled turn.

Mohammed used various ways to control the tribes in Arabia, particularly among women. Women did not abide war and violence. Since he was being successful through both, he abrogated women to that of property. They were not to leave the house without escort, were made to cover all but parts of their face and hands and had no say in matters of importance. It was the husband’s right to beat his wife for the most mundane of infractions. Mohammed also took a girl of nine to be his bride. Since it was ok for him, it is obviously ok for anyone, and the practice of adult males marrying girls of nine is common place. In fact, girls older than nine are all married. The Koran teaches that a girl should not still be at home by the time she reaches puberty.
The International Center for Research on Women estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries.Twenty-nine percent of these child brides are regularly beaten and molested by their husbands in Egypt ; twenty six percent receive similar abuse in Jordan .Every year, three million Muslim girls are subjected to genital mutilation, according to UNICEF. This practice has not been outlawed in many parts of America .

Though many of the Shari’a (translation: path) laws are barbaric by Western standards, they are the least of the immediate threats to the West and to America.

There are more than 50 items about Islam that no Westerner or American would consider much above the level of barbarism, stemming from the 5rd century. But let’s concentrate on just the most repugnant.

From the documentary by White Roses:

That Islam has been hijacked is what non-Muslims naturally assume, because they assume all religions are the same. The reason non-Muslims are so easily confused is that most of us don’t realize the difference between the Qur’an and every other religious book we are familiar with.The Christian Bible is a collection of writings from various authors written sometimes hundreds of years apart, with parables, advice and dreams, all collected together into one book. Same with the Jewish Torah.
Even those of us in the West who are neither Christians nor Jews are still familiar enough with these religions to know this much, and therefore we assume the same is true for the Qur’an.But the Qur’an is only one book, written by one man in his own lifetime. It is meant to be taken literally, and it is not full of symbolism or vague analogies. It is mostly direct commands. Of course the Qur’an contains contradictory statements, just like other religious books, but the Qur’an itself provides the reader with a way to know what to do with the contradictions.It is explained in the Qur’an that if you have two passages that contradict each other, the one written later supersedes the one written earlier.
Most Westerners are unaware that the peaceful, tolerant passages were written early in Mohammad’s prophetic career. According to the Qur’an those passages have been abrogated by later, more violent and less tolerant passages.So when most Westerners hear Jihadists quoting violent passages from the Qur’an, and then peaceful Muslims quoting peaceful passages, they interpret that the way they would if someone was quoting the Bible or the Torah. They think to themselves, “Oh, there must be many different and contradictory passages, like there are in other religious books, so Muslims can pick and choose what they like, and justify whatever actions they want to take”. But the Qur’an is nothing like that. There is no picking and choosing. It says very explicitly and in no uncertain terms that a Muslim must not alter or ignore any part of its very clear and direct message, or they will burn in a fiery torment forever.

There is no separation between the religious and the political in Islam; rather Islam and Shari’a constitute a totalitarian means of ordering society at every level, including ritual worship, transactions and contracts, morals and manners, beliefs and punishments.In the Qur’an Allah makes it clear that man-made governments (such as a democracy) and free speech (such as criticizing the Qur’an) are abominations and must be eliminated.
The modern expression, “creeping Shari’a” is used to describe the slow, deliberate and methodical advance of Islamic law in non-Muslim countries.Official Shari’a courts already operate in the UK, handling cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to domestic violence. Attempts to introduce Shari’a in the legal system in Germany, Sweden and other European countries are ongoing. While Shari’a already has a foot in our door in the matter of minor disputes like inheritance and domestic violence, it should concern you that Shari’a:

• Commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped;
• Allows husbands to hit their wives;
• Allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge – literally an eye for an eye;
• Commands that a thief must have a hand cut off;
• Commands that homosexuals must be executed;
• Orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death;
• Orders death for both Muslim and non-Muslim critics of Mohammad, the Qur’an and even Shari’a itself;• Orders apostates to be killed;
• Commands offensive, aggressive and unjust Jihad.

Communism has been defeated, at least for the moment; Islamism has not, and unless a reformed, tolerant, liberal kind of Islam emerges soon, perhaps the final battle will be between Islam and Western democracy. And these former Muslims, to echo Koestler's words, on the side of Western democracy are the only ones who know what it's all about, and we would do well to listen to their Cassandra cries.

"Apostasy was a crime as well as a sin, and the apostate was damned both in this world and the next. His crime was treason — desertion and betrayal of the community to which he belonged, and to which he owed loyalty; his life and property were forfeit. He was a dead limb to be excised."
Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out

Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims if it helps Islam.For non-Muslims this principle, called
Taqiyya, is another surprising concept of Islam. While most other religions speak highly of truthfulness the Qur’an instructs Muslims to lie to non-Muslims about their beliefs and their political ambitions to protect and spread Islam.There are many examples of today’s Islamic leaders saying one thing in English for the Western press, and then saying something entirely different to their own followers in Arabic a few days later.
Deceiving the enemy is always useful in war, and Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world until the whole world follows Shari’a law. All non-Muslims living in non-Islamic states are therefore enemies. So deceiving Westerners is totally acceptable — even encouraged — if it can forward the goals of the spread of Islam.
As a recent example, the Islamic American Relief Agency were seemingly raising money for orphans, but in fact giving the money to terrorists. They deceived good-hearted Western infidels into giving money to organizations that were actively killing Western infidels.
Do the research yourself; this is not an isolated case.
"Islam as a religion of peace.Muslim organizations worldwide often declare that Islam is a religion of peace, but what does that really mean? It seems easy for a Muslim to quote a peaceful verse from the early parts of the Qur’an while, by following the principle of Taqiyya, neglecting to mention the fact that it has been officially abrogated by later, more violent verses.According to the Qur’an the world will be at peace only when Islam and Shari’a reign in every country — and never until then. This is why every Muslim can truthfully say that Islam is a religion of peace."
If any of these points took you by surprise — then there is surely much more you still don’t know.This subject WILL affect you in the near future, so take the chance to inform yourself now, before it does.

Are these simply racist scare tactics hammered out by right wing hate mongers? Does it not seem reasonable to find out? Reading the Qur’an and noting that America is at war with Jihadist terrorists throughout the world might make one wonder. Apparently, some states take the problem seriously as they are taking preemptive actions against Shari’a.

One thing is for certain, denial has no survival value.

Of the 6 threats I see against our American way of life, we have covered two. Let’s turn our attention to number 3: The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel. And remember that each is more immediately destructive than the one before it.

1. The pouring of significant numbers of illegal aliens across our southern border.
2. The infiltration of Islam and its credo to change all governments to Shari'a law.
3. The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel
4. The Jewish intellectual, entrepreneur, and media
5. The Obama administration and the liberal progressives behind them
6. The ignorance of the bulk of the American people. That is: Obama is the prince of fools.

Monday, August 30, 2010

America, A Muslim Nation?

“There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don’t need terrorists; we don’t need homicide bombers. The 50+ million Muslims (in Europe) will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Muammar al-Gaddafi

Former President Bill Clinton has told an Arab-American audience of 1,000 people that the U.S. is no longer just a black-white country, nor a country that is dominated by Christians and a powerful Jewish minority.

In a speech to the group on Saturday, Clinton said that given the growing numbers of Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups here, Americans should be mindful of the nation's changing demographics, which led to the election of Barack Obama as president.

Clinton said by 2050 the U.S. will no longer have a majority of people with European heritage and that in an interdependent world "this is a very positive thing."

We fear terrorists. We fear that they will strike America again. It is only a matter of time. But do they need to do so to accomplish their mission to spread Islam throughout the world? Not so if Gaddafi is correct. Is President Obama correct when he says that we are not a Christian nation, that we are not a Jewish nation? While one suspects that he made such statements to woo the Arab world, does he know something we don’t? Does he foresee the future and is trying to make it easier on us? Is Bill Clinton correct?

The fact is, not just Obama and Clinton are saying this. The entire Muslim world and their clerics are saying it. And it sounds as though two of America’s presidents are willing to bow to such insanity.

Almost every country in the world is producing below the sustenance level required to keep their people from becoming extinct.
Muslim Demographics It is so bad, in fact, that in many countries the trend is irreversible. Europe, for example, is increasing in population but not because of the birth rate of its indigenous people. It is increasing because of immigration, primarily that of Muslims whose birth rate is far above the 2.2 minimum number of children required per family to sustain and regenerate an indigenous people. When family size falls below that, a people and their culture begin to die. In less than 50 years, the European Union will be a Muslim state, and Europe, for all intents and purposes, will cease to exist. According to Clinton, it will happen here in just 41 years. If you just had a child, both he or she and your grandchild will live in a Muslim dominated nation. Will women be allowed to drive, teach, have jobs? Will they be required to wear burkhas? Will they have to die if their family sees something they perceive as dishonoring them? Will you see stonings in the streets? Will you see people with severed hands because they stole something? Will you see a rise in legal polygamy?

The Spanish have acquiesced to the Muslims by allowing polygamist marriages, something they previously saw as immoral and uncivilized. Paris has 200,000 polygamists. This and other trends such as honor killings have taken hold in many European countries with such intensity that they cannot be rid of them. There are now more Mosques in parts of Europe than there are Christian churches. And while Muslims work tirelessly to convert people to Islam, there are dire consequences for Muslims who convert to Christianity.

What is sustaining the American population? Immigration from Mexico of course. The Muslims believe they can overtake and dominate the world through immigration, procreation, population, and infiltration. It is interesting to note that many Mexican American leaders believe they can overtake and dominate America the same way. It is frightening to realize that when they do, America will be just like Mexico and the Middle East. In the throes of poverty, illiteracy, and fraught with drug cartels and militant radicalism, they will take civilization back to the 5th century.

Americans, Canadians, and Europeans are occupied with self. They want the good life, a bigger house, a better neighborhood, the BMW, the swimming pool, and 30 day vacations to Bermuda. They also want personal autonomy and less personal responsibility. One way to achieve that is to have less or no children. And besides, it is good for society to ration resources to maximize the longevity of the quality of life. If the population of America begins to match that of China and India, those resources that provide us the good life will become scarce.

Entitlements, welfare, union pensions, and a spiraling trade deficit have America in dire straits that many do not see or fully understand.

America has seen a paradigm shift in the past fifty years. The divorce rate is beginning to exceed the marriage rate. Single parenting and abortion are on the rise. A disregard and even disdain for our public faith and icons continues to grow. In my travels in many parts of the world, I can say that America has the fattest people in the world. There seems to be a lack of national pride and even self pride. Where did it go?

“The erection of a new government, whatever care or wisdom may distinguish the work, cannot fail to originate questions of intricacy and nicety: and these may, in a particular manner be expected to flow from the establishment of a constitution founded upon the total or partial incorporation of a number of distinct sovereignties. ‘Tis time only that can mature and perfect so compound a system, can liquidate the meaning of all the parts, and can adjust them to each other in a harmonious and constituent whole.” Publius

Several years ago doctors told patients with allergies that it would help their condition to move to Phoenix, Arizona. And it did. But as the years went by, Phoenix became a haven of pollens that now cause some of the worst allergies in the country. Why? Because those people with allergies who followed their doctor’s advise and moved to Phoenix brought their baggage, namely their pet plants, with them.

Another such similar thing happens when people from the west and east coasts, eager to shed themselves of the city and its fast paced and stressful life style, move to the beautiful and tranquil rural towns of the Rocky Mountains. They suddenly realize that the conveniences, such as unlimited amounts of water and electricity, they had previously enjoyed are either not there or are frequently disrupted. They bring themselves angrily to the town meetings, demanding that the services they were accustomed to be provided. Unhappily they find that small towns don’t have the funds for them to resume their cushy live styles.

And so it has become with much of America. People from other countries come here because some (apparently) seek prosperity, some seek liberty, and some seek relief from an oppressive and tyrannical government. Some seek violence against America. They did so in many other Western countries as well, to wit, England, France, and Denmark to name a few. But they brought their baggage with them and with it the demise of what they sought. Some refuse to assimilate, learn and speak English, abide by our laws, and expect what they have not earned. They expect America to change her ways to what they left behind. And with it they change America into what they, supposedly, wished to escape. Their baggage is full of pollens: Fundamental and radical religious practices that are oppressive and demeaning, cultural differences that are counter productive to life in America, and the idea that America should change to suit them. And now, with a vocal liberal faction and administration, the promise is being made that Americans will do just that.

The dictionary carries several definitions for the term Diaspora. The most common definition being the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel from the sixth century B.C, when they were exiled to Babylonia, until the present time. Another definition is the dispersion of an originally homogeneous entity, such as a language or culture. Americans fought for and built a language and a culture that saw them through 200 years of prosperity, unity, economic stability, and a fierce pride that made it the most wealthy and powerful nation on earth. It was dedicated to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It was dedicated to allowing individuals to pursue their dreams. It did so partly by demanding personal responsibility of its citizens. One is rewarded by one’s efforts. At least we all hope for and believe in such a society, even if it is often run by corrupt leaders.

That is changing, just as our new president stated so many times during his campaign speeches. His administration caters to those who envision big government being the panacea to all their ills, where everyone is equal regardless of one’s efforts or one’s idea of personal responsibility.

Chaos is an attribute of human nature. The founders of this country understood that and tried with foresight and eloquence to enact rules that would, through the ages, hold chaos to a minimum. Morality cannot prevail without a certain respect for human nature. Understanding that utopia is not possible renders us secure. To dilute our culture, to make that which helps us maintain an upper hand available to our enemies, to try to appease them with obsequious gestures, to denigrate the military and those who continue to believe strongly in the ideals and values provided by our public faith will surely put an end to what we were and what we are.

A reverse or imploding diaspora may be an apt description of America today. Instead of being sent “out of”, we are being dispersed from within.

The Taliban have imposed their harsh brand of Islamic law in the Afghanistan under their control. The Taliban say their version of Islam is a pure one that follows a literal interpretation of the Muslim holy book, The Koran.

Under Taliban laws, murderers are publicly executed by the relatives of their victims. Adulterers are stoned to death and the limbs of thieves are amputated. Lesser crimes are punished by public beatings.

Yes, you say, but such abuses and barbaric practices are not a part of our culture. No? There were approximately 5000 honor killings in America over the past few years. Do Muslims believe in such brutality?

“An Egyptian Arab Muslim father in Dallas, Texas allegedly shot his two beautiful teenage daughters to death because he disapproved of their American-style ways. Their names were Amina and Sarah Said and their father’s name was Abdul Said. The girls looked sassy and full of life; they looked like Dallas teenagers. They were 17 and 18 years old and their friends considered them “geniuses.” Abdul was a taxi driver. (In parts of Europe, taxi drivers are known to aid and abet honor murders).
“Perhaps how Amina and Sarah dressed, and how they thought, shamed their father Abdul. He was no longer in control of his women—a mark of shame which provoked his need to kill them. Perhaps their flowering sexuality enraged him because it made him desire them—and from this he concluded that other men might desire them too and if he could not have them, no man could.”

“In the CBC documentary, a clear distinction was made verbally: "honor killing" is not an Islamic practice. One of the women interviewed also mentioned this. This is a cultural one. It was even mentioned there are Jews and Christians in Jordan who engage in this sick practice.”

But if you believe that, read what the second woman pictured at the top of this blog says about it in the second link below.

Shira law has found its way into England and Denmark. There are hints of following suit in this country, and of allowing schools to be disrupted 5 times a day for prayer to Allah, for atheists and Buddists to decry America’s public faith, for America’s melting pot to become more like oil and vinegar, for liberal ideals to convict conservative values as radical extremism, for allowing the vote by convicted felons, and for convicting those with any common sense who think one ought to be responsible for one’s actions.

And now, if you believe as your founding fathers did, we are labeled racists, radical extremists, and a danger to American society.

In the next blog, we will take a close look at Mohammad, the Koran, Sharia Law and how Muslims the world over are expected to follow its barbaric practices. We needn’t look at radical Islam. The moderate position is fearsome enough to American culture and values.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

De Oppresso Liber

“The Statue of Liberty (originally called Liberty Enlightening the World (French: La Liberté éclairant le monde)) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of American independence. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue has become an iconic symbol of freedom and of the United States.” Wikipedia.

I am ex-Special Forces, better known to some as Green Berets. They have a motto that appears on most of the insignia they wear: De Oppresso Liber. It means: Free the Oppressed. It is an expression of the American psyche of wanting freedom for all, and in the case of the military, fighting for it.

Many would write: We are a nation of immigrants and the children of immigrants. We welcomed the world’s tired, poor, and huddled masses for decades. It inspired a Frenchman to design and build the prominent reminder in the most conspicuous place in our nation, New York Harbor, to pay tribute to that noble attribute of our character.

Statue of Liberty National Monument
Emma Lazarus’ Famous Poem
A poem by Emma Lazarus is graven on a tablet
within the pedestal on which the statue stands

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

But that is entirely backwards!

Emma’s poem did, in fact, reinvent the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world as a result of a woman who was inexhaustible in petitioning to have the Emma’s poem immortalized some 17 years after the completion and dedication of the statue. While the statue’s intention was one of international republicanism and liberty, it became one of mass immigration.

The term ”immigrant” is often used incorrectly. For Americans to say that we are all immigrants or the children of immigrants is wrong. The original colonies were “settlers.” Immigrants were later inhabitants that were expected to conform to the institutions set up by the original settlers, our founding fathers. I am the great, great grandson of a man from Denmark. My relatives have left the Danish language far behind, and I know no one among them who now speaks it.

In the beginning, immigrants were primarily of European descent. But that has changed considerably over the decades (Specifically, since 1965). Now those from the Middle East, Asia, South America, Mexico and other countries make up the majority of immigrants.

In every country that I am aware of, immigration is a law enforced undertaking for myriad reasons. And immigration without respect for or not obeying the law is illegal by definition. But the legality of immigration is only a small part, and I venture to say, the least significant part, of what has become an increasingly grave problem. It is not simply a matter of the law in many cases.

A nation remains strong by its adherence to unity, cohesiveness, its shared values, and goals. E Pluribus Unum is not a fickle logo on our coins. Nor is “One Nation Under God.” While “From many, one” denoted the original 13 states answering to one government, it has come to mean far more. They are expressions of our exceptionalism. We have one language that facilitates not only our communication with one another, but binds us together as a holistic entity, with a common government binding us all. If one is a citizen, one needs to communicate in English. To not do so is an affront to one’s citizenship and to the American goal of our national unity and sovereignty: We-The-People.

Thus, one attribute of the problem appears to be assimilation. But is it not a symptom of something more sinister? Most ethnic groups immigrating to America are simply not assimilating, nor do they appear to have any intention of doing so. That tends to move us toward a growing factional ethnic diversity that pulls the nation’s cohesive structure apart. The result is a continual weakening of our country. Is that weakening intentional? And is it from within?

One has to wonder why the rush to become American or to migrate here. Of course, we think we know the answer. They have a three fold motive. Because the pickings are better here than where they came from, which begs a second part of that motive in the form of a question: Why do we have something that other, more depressed, countries don’t have? The second motive is illegal drugs. Because we buy them, they will do anything to sell them to us. Anything! The last motive is because they wish to infiltrate out country to do violence. But again, is this a matter of appearance and perception or something else? Why does our government refuse to do anything about it, to protect its own?

This rush to cross the border based on motive has increased on what was once a linear scale. But now, they are flooding the gates like a dam that has broken. We fund this invasion through our own tax dollars and a sympathetic shoulder as those who employ them feed off the slavery of oppressed souls.

The great majority of these people are not only oppressed but for the most part illiterate. But with help they can fill out a ballot. They are told how and for whom. They represent a huge potential voting block that will vote because they understand what it means to have an empty belly, cognizant of what it means to be oppressed, and they like the promises that are made to them. Unlike many Americans, they are certainly not apathetic, bathing in the fruits of some half forgotten laurel, riding the waves of their fortune in a bright, new BMW. They know that voting and radical activism will bring them closer to that same car. But … is that the real reason?

They are also aware (suspect) that America is soft if not cowardly. They know (believe) that America will not stand up for herself. Like a high school kid who arrogantly uses profanity to his teacher because he knows (discerns) there is no longer any accountability, Mexican nationals in this country defiantly parade the Mexican flag while burning the American flag. While they willing accept and use our tax dollars, they show a blatant disregard of us, for our laws, for our nation. Their disdain for us is more than apparent. A great many of them believe America owes them reparation, in fact, almost the entire south and west coast all the way to Oregon.

The flood is reaching epic proportions. There are basic considerations here. Are you willing to sacrifice your children for the good of those unfortunates from across the border? Helping the oppressed can be a noble undertaking. But is it noble to endanger and oppress your own family and fellow citizens in the process? And what is that danger? The quality of life of our youth is marginalized. Danger lurks with gangs, drugs, kidnapping, rape, murder, competition for jobs, and liberal concepts that weaken America. Will we allow them to take over the country in some desperate and miss begotten idea of De Oppresso Liber?

The flood of people from across the border is also undoubtedly an intentional act of both the Mexican and American governments. Revenue for the US as well as Mexico, both of whom need the income, continues the flow of the often illiterate and poor. This is advantageous for both governments. Because of this it emboldens those who live near the border to encroach on the US for various reasons, much of which is not only illegal but violent. While at the same time it dilutes our own hard earned standard of social and civilized quality of life. And the cost to the tax payers is tremendous.

While our government is willing to send hundreds of thousands of military troops half way round the world to fight in countries that are far from our borders, we allow our southern border to be overrun. Why is that? Are you getting it? Let’s use the trick of being obtuse to provide clarity.

One might ask the question “Do we exist?” A first year analytical problem for students of philosophy. We might confuse, by oversimplification, the issue by suggesting simply that we perceive things by sensory data, the argument resulting in the belief that we do, indeed, exist. But we know that things to do not exist in exacting forms. For example, a banana is yellow in the light but black or very dark yellow in the dark. Our perception of the banana changes. Without sensory perception, does the banana exist? The man who is color blind perceives the world around him differently from the man who perceives what he believes to be color. We are energy, yet energy is not matter. We are atoms and molecules between which is space. Regardless of the outcome of our fruitless analysis, we do perceive fright, anger, and danger and hope to react accordingly. Our perception of data is sometimes intentionally manufactured by external forces. Media, for example, purposely manipulates both the data input to our brains and the way in which we perceive it.

Perceptions of social issues can be applied by the intelligentsia in much the same manner, giving us the idea that things are not as we see them. We apply analogies, clichés, and such platitudes as “Eating the elephant one bite at a time until the elephant is gone.” In much the same manner, we believe we perceive what we cannot prove and, as well, believe it in some indescribable form.

Our own government is adept at manipulating what we perceive. The progressive left is as well. And the two have melded together. Of the six threats against the USA, much is allowed by altering our perception of reality. And that is an intentional key to our own demise.

We are told by the Republican Party and conservatives to leave social issues alone until we have changed the guard and gotten a handle on the economy. But in the meantime we allow another several years of other threats to dig in deeper and impose their will on our society.

This concept of social perception engineering will appear again and again as we look at the 6 threats against America. Political Correctness only touches the surface.

Johnson’s 1965 decision to sign the bill that eventually and inadvertently opened the flood gates to immigration is but one symptom of an underlying conspiracy to destroy traditional America. His bill actually was an effort to demonstrate America’s fairness. In fact, he specifically declared when signing the bill that the days of mass immigration were over. The bill was used by others to transform American society as we well see in another of the six threats.

The truth of the matter is that American opinion is severely manipulated.

Denial has no survival value.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


It’s 2 am and I am at it again. Maybe it’s because I’m retired and the hours in the day aren’t as productive as they used to be. Maybe it’s because I’m obsessive compulsive. Whatever the case, my mind becomes fixated on things and begins to wander. Let me tell you what is on it this time … as if you cared,

It is on my grandchildren. Although to preface my remarks, I think the reason is a bit strange because most, if not all, will be adults when I am dead. Thus I seem to be caring about a future I will not be here to see. Maybe it is not so strange because I see the purpose of human life is to procreate, nurture, and provide for one’s own.

And that is precisely the reason I am up at 2 am. Alternatives keep rolling around in my head. But these alternatives only come to life by providing some background. So let me do that first.

One cannot deny that there are forces about that are hard at work trying to destroy the America I grew up in. And here I must confess the possibility of my naïveté. I see my life as one of immense freedom compared to that of citizens of other countries, of glorious potential for those who are willing to work hard for it, of common sense values and expression, of a haven of safety for me and mine. In a word, I am an exceptionalist. And I will also admit that I am of Anglo-Protestant stock. I am married to a Hispanic and have both Hispanic-Anglo and Korean-Anglo children. We all adopted one another, and we are all Americans.

I see us being under attack from several fronts. This attack is from without, but primarily from within. It is unrelenting, vicious, and will eventually be successful if the status quo of our defense is sustained. There is some evidence to believe that it will be successful even if it is not. The reason is simple: There are no real attempts at defense. In fact, just the opposite.

Which brings me, via a very circumferential route, to my point. I first became aware of a modern vernacular called Bling about 2 years ago. I had little idea what it meant, but after a time began to have a glimmer of its meaning by inference. It is window dressing. It is gaudy jewelry, flamboyant attire, façade.

I live and work in the south. Life here, for the most part, seems unaffected by what we hear on the news. Almost all the cars are new. Pickup trucks glimmer with expensive paint, little BMW and Mercedes cars have become common place. We have paved roads, concrete spiraling buildings, cafes, shops, malls, glitter. Nothing seems changed. It is affluent America as usual. It is bling.

Something is fermenting below the surface, hidden beneath the bling. Is it the illegal immigration problem that is costing America dearly? Is it the economy that is destroying lives elsewhere? Is it the tenuous market? Is it the myriad affronts on our Constitution? Is it the neo-progressive idealism of some utopian world order? Is it a government bent on becoming a behemoth that feeds on itself and all that it governs? Is it the underlying threat of Islam and its growing efforts to install Shari’a law? Is it the Jewish control of the media? Is the apathy of the Christian clergy to do nothing to rebel against the affronts upon it? Is it just a matter of the ignorance of people toward and about what is happening?

Below the surface there is decay. Let me use an analogy. Imagine a large concrete slab on ground. We walk on its surface and feel the solid stability of it under out feet. We feel secure. The surface is familiar and although not particularly attractive, it represents safety, something apart from the fickleness of mother earth. All is well. But unknown to us there is a void in the ground below the surface. Over time, the void begins to enlarge, bigger and deeper. The slab was designed to be supported by the ground upon which it sits. There comes a time when the slab cannot support our weight without the ground below it. Suddenly, and without warning, the slab fails under our feet, giving way suddenly, catastrophically. Bling. The slab was bling. It hid what was really going on. It hid the decay below its surface, an unseen menace.

How long does it take for the decay below the surface to result in failure? I have this feeling that my life will not change with catastrophic collapse. But I am afraid that my children and their children will be caught in a situation that they cannot control, that they cannot run from and cannot survive. For what we see on the streets and in the cafes and in the malls and all around us is bling, façade, surface tinsel, glittering with a relentless suggestion that all is well.

But some do see it, and some are doing what little they can about it. The question is whether or not it will have any affect. Let us, for just a moment, analyze the various and immediate alternatives. Let us, for simplicity sake, assume two opposing outcomes in the coming elections of 2010 and 2012. First, say the Democrats are able to retain control of congress and the administration, both of the nation and of the majority of the states. Second, let us assume the alternative, that is, that the Republicans win those seats, and in fact, conservatism is restored to the political arena.

The bywords of the struggle, such as Patriots, are good, but they do not represent reality. They represent hope. They are bling. Why?

Certainly, if the status quo of a Democratic majority run government retains power, this country becomes a socialistic state. It will spiral downward on a quickened pace. I think we all know that. Some like the idea. Some don’t understand it.

How much better is the situation if we are able to restore conservatism to the all the houses, both Federal and State? I will venture an educated guess: Almost none. Why? Because over the past 100 years the psyche of the American mind has been altered. We are not proactive in defending ourselves, but instead reactive. Because the American people have been made to be irrelevant. It no longer is an America of the people. Those in positions of power no longer listen to or care what the people want or think or object to. They are a club that listens to its peers, not its constituents.

I see 6 primary threats to our way of life and culture. I have ordered them as 1 being the least threat to 6 being the greatest … in my opinion. Some will disagree with the order. Some might add more. Unfortunately, a great many will not agree.

1. The pouring of significant numbers of illegal aliens across our southern border.
2. The infiltration of Islam and its credo to change all governments to Shari'a law.
3. The apathy of Americans and the failure of the clergy to rebel
4. The Jewish intellectual, entrepreneur, and media
5. The Obama administration and the liberal progressives behind them
6. The ignorance of the bulk of the American people. That is: Obama is the prince of fools.

Without resorting to the current set of buzz words, let us, in future, explore each in turn.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

All Gave Something. Some Gave All.

I am writing this because I can’t get it out of my mind. Thing is, I don’t think you should get it out of yours either.

I was at a large hardware store picking up bolts to attach plywood over my windows, a somewhat futile attempt to keep the pending hurricane out of my living room. As I was standing there, I noticed a young man coming toward me with a cart full of 2x4’s, apparently supplying himself for some building project. He was maybe 25 years old, very good looking, about 5’-7” tall. His hair was cut short. He was wearing a black T-shirt and khaki shorts. He was a bit on the stocky side but not fat.

On his right leg he wore a prosthesis, a type I had not seen before. He walked without a limp. I watched for a moment, noting the concentration on his face as he pondered the hardware he was going to need.

I continued looking at him, wondering, but trying hard not to stare. He passed me, and as he did, I noticed writing on the back of his shirt. It was somewhat faded and difficult to read. Above it, however, I could barely make out the small picture of a soldier in camo, wearing a helmet, and holding a rifle. I began thinking that my suspicions might be correct.

I came up behind him and put my hand softly on his shoulder, just to the side of his neck. He stopped, turned, and looked at me.

“How did it happen?” I stupidly asked.

“How did what happen?” He replied.

I simply pointed to his prosthetic leg.

He smiled broadly, comfortably, without shame or displeasure or pride or self pity.

“A rocket in Baghdad. It’s funny. About 6 months earlier we got hit by an IED. It threw my head forward into the back end of the 50 cal and I split my lip. They gave me a Purple Heart for that. I felt kinda stupid. Then, during a firefight, a Rocket Propelled Grenade hit me in the ankle.” He pointed to where the ankle had been. They had removed his leg to the knee.

“What branch were you in?” I asked.

“The Army.”

“Me too”, I said, “Special Forces during Vietnam.”

“No kidding, I was in Delta.” He said, as a huge smile crossed his face. He was obviously delighted to be talking to a brother.

I clasped his hand, and we both squeezed hard. His smile was broad and genuine with not a flicker of bitterness. His eyes gleamed with a pure love for life.

“At least it is over with now.” I said.

“No, I’m going back.”

I could not believe what I was hearing. “You mean they will allow you to go back?”

“Yeah. I will be leaving soon. Two tours under my belt and leaving for a third.”

I put my arms around this valiant young man and held on. He held me tightly as well, and we embraced for long moments there in the front aisle, neither of us caring what people thought. He owed no one. But all Americans owed him.

I asked him why not stay stateside. He had done enough, had given enough.

“I love my job, and I want to return to my buddies.” Again, that broad, handsome smile. He had beautiful brown eyes like my grandson’s that gleamed with happiness and a zest for life.

I looked down at his hands. They were sensitive and strong. I saw no ring.

“This thing is not a problem. I don’t mind it at all.” He said, quite unabashedly.

We turned and walked toward the checkout stand and the young lady waiting there.

“Are you from Corpus?” I asked.


“Try to stay safe. Promise me.” I said, wanting to ensure myself that he would be ok, that he would not lose other parts of his young self or his life. I wanted him not to go. I wanted no one to go. I didn’t want my grandson’s to follow him, to fight on foreign soil, to be hated by his countrymen like we were after coming home from Southeast Asia. I didn’t want the war to end and for those who we fought for and against to return to their tribal barbarism as they had for centuries and this man’s life to have been altered for nothing, for his comrades to have given their precious lives for nothing.

“I will.” He replied.

I passed him on my way out as he stood, waiting for the clerk to process his hardware and wood. And as I left, I heard him say behind me.

“Thanks for your service.”

I can’t get this gallant, beautiful young man out of my mind. As I have grown older, I find my behavior deplorable. I get angry at the traffic, the street lights, the long lines, the days of boredom, of technology that becomes obsolete every 6 months, of kids whose minds are unaware of their surroundings because of it. But I have my legs.

I am angry because our society seems to be devolving: Tattoos, rap music, gangbanger clothes, the endless, mindless reality shows on TV, the overpaid entertainers and ball players, the American people taking life for granted, expecting what they did not earn, a Commander in Chief who ravages our country with an ideology that is opposed to what America is. And yet, as our young sacrifice their lives and limbs for us, and as I find myself angry at all that is around me, this hero of our nation smiles and tells me:.

“Thanks for your service.”

All I could think was: If I ever had any shred of valor, it was stolen from this young man.

I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.
George McGovern

It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.
General Douglas MacArthur

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
Winston Churchill

Older men declare war. But it's the youth who must fight and die!
Herbert Hoover

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.
John F. Kennedy

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
Jean-Paul Sartre

All are silent, unheard clichés to this young warrior. He is an American soldier, and he had given his leg for us, no matter the right or the wrong of it, no matter the debates, no matter the talk of heads bobbing in unison on TV. He had given as they talked, and he would give more.

“Thanks for your service.” He said as I walked away. Can you believe that?

I can’t get this young man out of my mind.

Nor should you.